Garage Door Won’t Open or Close With Remote Control

When the garage door won’t close or open with the remote control, this can be very frustrating. If you are ever concerned because something is not functioning properly with your garage door, we encourage calling on an experienced garage door company.

Unplug the Opener

When the garage door will not open or close with the remote control like it is supposed to, you can try unplugging the opener system. Then, disconnect the wires in the motor and reconnect everything to the power. You will then want to clear the memory and ensure remote controls have been reprogrammed. Unplug the device again and make sure the control wiring gets reconnected to the motor. You will want to disconnect wiring in the wall mounted controls too. When all is done, retry using the remote control. The problem might be fixed! You can always call on an experienced and skilled garage door service for assistance with this. We are proud to have a team that is willing to provide same day service for our customers whenever possible.

Change the Battery

Something else to try is changing the battery. In some cases when the remote is not working, the problem is as simple to fix as changing a battery. Let’s say the garage door refuses to budge when you use the remote. Check for an expired battery in the transmitter for the remote. You can check the interior wall of the garage and the transmission receiver. This will help to determine if the issue is the receiver or the remote.

When the garage door remote is not working, it can be very frustrating. It could just be that the batteries are dead as they don’t tend to last much longer than a couple years before replacement is required. You can check to see if the batteries are dead using the wall mounted control panel in order to open the garage door. If the garage door responds, then the batteries are likely dead.

A typical cause of a remote control for a garage door not working is a dead battery or a battery that is weakening. Using brand name batteries tends to be a better option for longer-lasting batteries.

Check for a Blown GFI

If the garage door remote is not working, you can check for a blown GFI. What does this mean? This is the Ground Fault Interpreter and it has the responsibility of ensuring a property stays protected from possible electric concerns. Overheating is one of the issues that it can protect against. When it comes to the garage door, if the GFI is not working correctly, it could stop the garage door from working. Using the reset button which would be on the wall outlet can help to resolve this problem. In some cases, issues with a garage door not working might require replacement of hardware or more heavy duty repairs but sometimes the fix is quite simple.

You can also check to make sure there is not an obstruction between the garage and the remote. Make sure the remote control is being directly aimed at the garage door. These are just small steps to make sure the remote is being used properly.

It is frustrating to pull into your driveway and realize the remote control for the garage door is not working. If you are using the button on the remote but nothing is happening, the signal, for some reason, is not properly transmitting to the garage door. When the garage door is not responding to the remote, you are going to want a quick solution.

There are some things you can check before deciding to call on a company for help. If the garage door won’t open or close, you have a clear indication something is wrong. What are you supposed to do? We hope that we have provided some guidance with this information for you. We are glad that you have stopped by to check out the information. Remember to check for a blown GFI, check the batteries, and unplug the opener system. Check to make sure nothing is obstructing the path of the remote control and the garage door. Programming issues can also lead to problems with remote controls. Of course, power surges can also lead to problems and prevent remote controls from working. There are many things to check for but an experienced garage door service will be proficient in resolving these concerns!

Hopefully, at least one of these tips will help to get things up and running once again if your garage door is not working with the remote, so you can continue to use your garage door.