Garage Spores and Mold Issues

If you live in Florida, you are likely used to mold in and around your home due to the high humidity climate. Most households keep up with the mold in their bathrooms and other areas of their homes. Your garage is also one of the places you will want to keep a critical eye on for mold, yet unfortunately, most people neglect to stay on top of this until a major mold or spore problem breaks out. Garages make the perfect environment for mold to grow and spores to multiply, as it is usually a damp and dark place often left relatively undisturbed and often, uncleaned. In this article, we are going to offer you some necessary preventative as well as the maintenance steps you can take to make sure that your garage remains free of mold.

Steps to Take

If you are in the process of building your garage or planning on building a new one, proper mold reduction starts with the very materials your garage door is or will be made of. It is a good idea to carefully consider which materials you are able to afford, but also which will provide the most longevity. Take mold growth into consideration, particularly if you are a resident in a humid climate. It is recommended that you use metal as much as possible, as opposed to wood. This can drastically cut down on the moisture that is collected in and around your garage door.

If your garage is already built with set materials or you have no interest in remodeling, then there are still several things you can do to ultimately protect your garage from spores and mold. Keeping your garage as dry as possible is the first place to start. Having proper ventilation, as well as periodically using fans to air out your garage on particularly hot or humid days will also help. If you are unsure whether or not your garage is properly ventilated, calling a local garage door specialist is recommended. They can assess your garage as a whole and identify if there are any specific ventilation issues you need to worry about or that may potentially be contributing to the problem.

Check for any leaks or open spaces on your garage roof. It is possible that if the mold is in one very specific spot that there could be some sort of leak exacerbating the issue with the mold in your garage or causing the problem itself. Be sure to check around the perimeter of your garage’s ceiling on the inside of the garage, as well as on the outside roof, to check for any leaks or potential problem areas where too much moisture might be leaking into your garage.

Double check any boxes, bicycles, lawn mowers, and other common garage items for mold also. Because spores can travel, it is possible the mold may find its way to other areas of the garage and especially on items you may not immediately identify as potentially having mold. Do a thorough check of every corner and surface of your garage just to be sure no visible spores have made their way on to some of your more precious items, potentially causing irreversible damage. If you are unsure if something looks moldy or has gathered mold, be sure to clean it as thoroughly as you can anyway. Mold is not always visible to the naked eye and it is better to be safe and clean as much as you can of your garage once you notice the first sign of mold.

You can clean the mold in your garage yourself with bleach or some other anti-mold chemical. If you attempt to clean the mold yourself, it is important to remember to get all of the mold off. Any mold left over from cleaning will likely make it so that the mold can return easier and more quickly than before. You will want to clean the entire moldy surface, as well as any surfaces surrounding the moldy areas. Also keep in mind that certain materials in your garage, such as wood, may actually hold and store spores. Clean as much of your garage as possible if you notice any mold issues, especially the materials and surfaces that are more vulnerable to mold.

Calling in a Professional

If you notice you have a severe mold or spore issue in your garage or a recurrent mold or spore problem you are unable to get rid of on your own, it is time to call in a professional. This is not an issue you will want to wait to fix, as mold and spores can be extremely toxic to you and your family. Keep young children and your family members away from the garage as much as possible until you have the mold and spore issue under control can help ensure everyone’s safety.

Delaying in fixing a mold problem or ignoring a recurrent mold issue is a bad idea and puts your family in harm’s way and potential medical risk. It is highly recommended that you call a professional garage specialist to help get a handle on the problem. Experienced specialists will be able to accurately evaluate the current state of your garage and give recommendations based on what they observe. With a problem like mold, it is definitely worth it to call in a professional and make sure that you and your family’s garage remains a safe place to be.